What does your business do with your ewaste?

22 February 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog


If you run any type of business you probably use a lot of IT equipment. The average business uses desktop computers, laptops, printers, mobile phones and a large number of other electronic items all of which have a limited working life. Eventually all equipment breaks and needs to be replaced, but more often the relentless march of technology sees computers become outdated and declared surplus to requirements long before they cease to function. As a business owner it is easy to become so busy setting up and learning to use your new equipment that you forget all about the electronic items that you have replaced, and rarely give a moments thought to what happens to them, yet you must do something with them, they can't just be consigned to the back of the cupboard and ignored.

How can you dispose of your ewaste?

Ewaste has become a significant problem in recent years with the amount of broken or obsolete items of IT equipment continuing to mount up. Everything from discarded mobile phones and computer motherboards to refrigerators and television sets must be disposed of, either by landfill, resale or ewaste recycling.

If your surplus electronics cannot be repaired and sold on then arranging for ewaste recycling is by far the best option. At present ewaste recycling accounts for only a small amount of the total technology disposed of each year. The vast majority is taken to landfill or incinerators. Learning to dispose of your ewaste responsibly can help your business to meet your environmental targets.

How ewaste recycling can help your business

Do you know exactly which electronic items can be effectively recycled? You might be surprised to learn that everything from computers and tablets to scanners, printers and faxes can be successfully stripped apart and have their component parts recycled. Why is your business not considering recycling your ewaste? Is it because you think that it is difficult to arrange or do you believe that there is a cost involved? With the need to reduce business costs and to maintain profits there is always the temptation to take the option that costs least, so environmental concerns are often squeezed, but the good news for business owners is that recycling costs do not have to be an issue. Ewaste recycling is free and available to your business. Why not call your nearest waste collection centre today and arrange the disposal of your old computers and peripherals?