4 Primary Objectives of Town Planning and Its Significance

14 December 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog


Planning is arguably the foundation of any development activity. Town planning involves various strategies aimed at managing land resources. It also deals with managing existing and newer developments in an urban setup. The primary objectives of town planning can be grouped into four categories. Read on to learn more about them below. 


The first key objective of town planning is convenience. It combines various needs for residents in the town, including cultural, economic and recreational amenities, among many others. The residents also require better upkeep through public amenities, including electricity, water supply, gas and sanitation, among others. 

Furthermore, the public needs to have allocated spaces for commercial, industrial and business enterprises to boost the spirit of trade. Things such as efficient transport systems, cheap power and excellent drainage systems allow for greater convenience. When it comes to recreational facilities, amenities like open spaces, children's playgrounds, cinema and theatre halls, town halls, community centres and stadiums, among others, help facilitate convenience.  


It involves appropriately using land resources for fitting purposes through the zoning process. That includes dividing it into commercial, industrial, residential, recreational and institutional. In turn, it helps prevent zones from creeping into each other to allow for an organized and orderly town that's developing without conflicts of interest. The principal goal is to establish and maintain healthy conditions and environments for everyone living in the town, regardless of socioeconomic status.


Another objective of town planning is beauty. It aims at preserving the uniqueness of a town by developing it in its most appropriate natural habitat. It involves the aesthetic preservation of design elements in a town or urban plan. That includes tree and natural greenery preservation, modern types of residential buildings and the creation of civic dignity and beauty. 

Other things include architecture management on both public and semi-public structures, ancient architectural buildings, mosques, churches, temples and any building that holds cultural or historical value. 

The Environment

Finally, another significant factor in town planning is the environment. The environment should ensure that people live an easier life in the town or city. The ultimate goal is to reduce or remove the difficulty the families face. 

The complexities in day-to-day activities like more extended working hours, less time for families to spend together and difficult travel conditions have had a severe lifestyle impact on town dwellers. Town planning aims to promote a healthy relationship between the environment and the residents.